Monday, September 22, 2008


Senator John McCain appeared at a Townhall meeting in Scranton Pennsylvania this morning. As one Scranton Times reporter noted "What stood out most in a packed crowd at the Scranton Cultural Center Monday morning were the veterans and military families -- many wearing hats touting the military branch they or loved ones serve in -- and the Catholic moms, with children in one hand and anti-abortion rights signs in the other." The reporter interviewed Mae Salitski of Carbondale, a 16-year-old who said her family supports John McCain because of the abortion issue. Miss Salitsky added, "I believe life starts from conception. And I would think it should be obvious to everyone." The article continues:
McCain message resonates with military families, pro-life supporters<font color = blue><i><font size = -2> with video</font></i></font> | News | - The Times-Tribune:

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