Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Elephant in the Room: Hope does not disappoint | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/25/2008

Senator Rick Santorum, (U.S. Senator from PA from 1995-2007) currently writes for the Philadelphia Inquirer. Senator Santorum's recent column is about his personal experiences of children with Down Syndrome. Sadly, America's abortion culture aborts 90% of children with Down Syndrome. Sarah Palin and the Santorums provide America with an alternate view.

"Four months ago, Karen and I were blessed with our eighth child, Bella, who three days later was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a syndrome with a mortality rate of more than 90 percent in the first year. I subsequently discovered that a friend's 12-year-old son, Brendan, who also had Down syndrome, had a reoccurrence of leukemia. Then, two weeks ago, a friend's father performed a heroic act to save the life of his 20-year-old son with Down syndrome. And 12 years ago next week, our family will commemorate the date when we were told that Karen's fourth pregnancy had gone 'awry.'"To read this moving story visit: The Elephant in the Room: Hope does not disappoint | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/25/2008:

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