Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Operation Rescue's Top Stories of 2007

Operation Rescue's number one story involves George Tiller and the Role of Operation Rescue in watching his abortion clinic, collecting evidence, applying political pressure, and praying for the clilnic to close.

"1. Tiller Troubles! Infamous Abortionist Charged! Now Faces Grand Jury and a Myriad of Other Problems
Operation Rescue’s Number One Story for 2007 is a huge one! Abortionist Tiller faces 19 counts of criminal late-term abortion, a grand jury investigation slated to begin January 8, two inquiries with the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, and even a small claims action. Operation Rescue’s ground-breaking work contrbuted to bringing these cases this far. In 2008, we should see the results of each of these legal challenges to Tiller’s abortion empire. Operation Rescue continues to exhaust every legal option to bring Tiller to justice!
Those who visit (and scroll down to top ten stories):
Operation Rescue: Will find links to the following stories which should help explain how Operation Rescue has been so successful.
38 Abortion-Free Days In Nation’s Abortion Capital
KS Supreme Court Blocks Tiller Grand Jury
Operation Rescue Files To Intervene In Abortion Grand Jury Case
Victory! KS Supreme Court Orders Abortion Grand Jury To Proceed
Tiller’s License At Stake As KSBHA Launches New Abortion Investigation
Tiller Sued In Small Claims; TV’s Judge Judy and Judge Brown Want The Case"I am including this material on Operation Rescue in Kansas because I believe they are an example of "what it takes to end abortion". Pro-Lifers in PA and elsewhere can learn from this group.

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