Monday, January 28, 2008

The Elephant in the Room | 5 characters reject Senator Rick Santorum

"If art is a reflection of our culture, our culture - and particularly our youth culture - is awaking to the reality of life in the womb. You hear it in Nick Cannon's autobiographical single 'Can I live?' You see it in the stunning episode of the television show House where Dr. Gregory House's finger is grasped by a baby in the womb during intrauterine surgery. The recognition of the life in the womb is going mainstream.
But the biggest shift came at the movies. In a nation with one of the world's most wide-open abortion regimes, U.S. audiences flocked to see five motion pictures with life-affirming texts or subtexts: Knocked up, Waitress, Bella, August Rush and Juno." To continue visit:

The Elephant in the Room | 5 characters reject abortion in a cultural shift in movies | Philadelphia Inquirer | 01/03/2008:

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