Saturday, June 16, 2007

Is Romney's Pro-Life Conversion a Myth?

Now for the other side of the Romney coin. An ABC News article of June 14th called "Romney's Pro-Life Conversion Myth or Reality", by Rick Klein and Jake Tapper questions the sincerity of Romney's pro-life conversion. The article cites several examples of questionable actions as governor including the following:
"Within two months of his epiphany on this issue, Romney appointed to a judgeship a Democrat who was an avowed supporter of abortion rights. In May 2005, Romney also declared his support for a House bill lifting President Bush's ban on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research -- a bill he now said he opposes" To read more visit:
Is Romney's Pro-Life Conversion a Myth?: "Within two months of his epiphany on this issue, Romney appointed to a judgeship a Democrat who was an avowed supporter of abortion rights. In May 2005, Romney also declared his support for a House bill lifting President Bush's ban on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research -- a bill he now said he opposes"

Hey, when did ABC News become interested in the right to life?

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