Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Father Benedict Groeschel to Address June 23rd Conference in Wilkes-Barre

Father Benedict Groeschel, CFR will be the featured speaker at a conference to be held in Wilkes-barre on June 23rd, 2007. It is presented by The Station of the Cross, 750 am and 1550 am.

Fr. Groeschel is Director for the Office for Spiritual Development for the Archdiocese of New York. He also hosts a live one-hour television program on EWTN, “Sunday Night Live with Fr. Benedict Groeschel.” He has published a number of books and tapes on spirituality and pastoral counseling including Praying To Our Lord Jesus Christ: Prayers and Meditations Through The Centuries, The Rosary: Chain of Hope and Arise From Darkness.

Fr.Groeschel founded, along with eight other friars, the community of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in May 1987. He also founded Good Counsel Homes for single mothers and their babies in 1985. Rev. Groeschel commented, "Every night we have 55 or more mothers plus their babies in all our homes. Sometimes it has been 110. If its an emergency, you're pregnant, and have no safe place to stay, you call Good Counsel."

The June 23, 2007 conference will be held at Bishop Hoban High School's McCarthy Auditorium in Wilkes-Barre. The Conference includes Holy Mass, talks by Father Groeschel, Eucharistic adoration and time for book signings. The conference costs $20. For more information or to purchase tickets call the station toll free at 1-877-888-6279.

Good Counsel operates five homes in New York: the Bronx, Staten Island, Spring Valley, Poughkeepsie, and Harrison, New York. For additional information about Good Counsel homes go online to www.goodcounselhomes.org

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