Monday, September 11, 2006

'Vegetative' Woman's Brain Shows Surprising Activity

The Sept. 8 th edition of the Washington Post reported on a story about tests to determine awareness in a PVS patient.

"According to all the tests, the young woman was deep in a 'vegetative state' -- completely unresponsive and unaware of her surroundings. But then a team of scientists decided to do an unprecedented experiment, employing sophisticated technology to try to peer behind the veil of her brain injury for any signs of conscious awareness." To read the entire story click:
'Vegetative' Woman's Brain Shows Surprising Activity:

Of course those who regularly read this blog already know that some PVS patients are aware of their surroundings. Kate Adamson recovered from a stroke and persistent vegetative state and recently addressed the Scranton Chapter of Pa. for Human Life at their Prayer Breakfast
To read excerpts from Kate Adamson's Story click:

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