Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Casey and Santorum on Plan B

The Meet the Press Debate Between Senator Rick Santorum and Robert Casey Jr. focused on one important pro-life issue, the over the counter sale of Plan B. The so called "Emergency Conatraceptive" pill also works to cause an early abortion by preventing implantation of the new human being in the uterus of his or her mother.

From the Meet the Press Debate:
Russert: Senator Santorum, another social issue. The Federal Drug Administration has said that Plan B, the morning-after pill, can be sold over the counter to Americans 18 and older. Many in the right-to-life community have called that pill an abortifacient. Are you in favor of the FDA decision to sell the morning-after pill?
SEN. SANTORUM: No, I’m not. I, I agree that it is an abortifacient, and that, that it’s dangerous to give a dose of hormones equivalent to one third of a whole series of birth control pills to, to someone without any kind of doctor supervision........ to read more about Santorum's pro-life response and Casey's "difference of opinion" visit:

For the whole transcript of the debate with comments on issues from the War on Terrorism to the budget, to pro-life and other issues visit

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