Friday, September 29, 2006 beatitudes of Rick Santorum::By Kathleen Parker and Comments:

Sue Cirba writes: "Nice try with the Casey-whitewash Kathleen, but a chasm the size of the Grand Canyon separates the two. Yes, Senator Santorum has “put his money where his mouth is” by sponsoring, co-sponsoring and promoting pro-life legislation. Santorum’s successes include The Unborn Victims of Violence Act (also know as the Lacy and Connor Law) and the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act to prevent infanticide. The brightest jewel in the crown of Santorum’s pro-life successes, is the hard-fought and won, Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act. It will end the inhuman practice of brutally aborting a viable infant who has been partially delivered. These are but a few of Santorum’s pro-life efforts.

Casey, with no pro-life legislation to his credit will likely never have any. Casey has said abortion would not be his focus in Congress. (Carrie Budoff, Unlikely Allies are Sizing Up Casey', The Philadelphia Inquirer, July 3, 2005.)" To read Mrs. Cirba's letter go to Kathleen Parker article and the comments which follow it. beatitudes of Rick Santorum::By Kathleen Parker:

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