Friday, September 29, 2006 beatitudes of Rick Santorum::By Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker writes:
"Santorum, in other words, is one of those rare politicians who puts his money where his mouth is -- even though his usual supporters turn on him as a result. ..... If Santorum is ``too Catholic,'' he has company in his opponent, who is also a Catholic and a near-mirror image of Santorum on most of the hot-button issues. (Sue Cirba: Keep in mind folks Kathleen Parker is a member ofthe very liberal Washington Post Writer's Group...and is trying to make Casey and Santorum seem identical)

Parker Continues: Both men are pro-life and both oppose same-sex marriage, though Casey allows some slight variations. ...both support the legal protection for human life from conception, and both want to see Roe v. Wade overturned." To read the article: beatitudes of Rick Santorum::By Kathleen Parker:

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