Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Dr. James Watson to Speak at University of Scranton?????

A lecutre is being held this Thursday, November 17 at the University of Scranton by Dr. James Watson on "Living with DNA" at 8:00 in Houlihan-McLean Center on Jefferson Ave and Mulberry, Scranton.
I recently found a speech given by Dr. James Watson at the Commonwealth Club in March of 2003. Here is the text from Watson’s speech that promotes abortion:

Watson: "Common sense tells me that humans should prevent as much genetic disease as science lets us. The rare mistakes in the copying of DNA information that make evolution possible of necessity lead to much individual genetic injustice. Random throws of the genetic dice during the formation of sperm and egg take away from too many infants the opportunity to participate in a meaningful life."
Watson: "Common sense tells me that no one is seriously harmed by steps taken to prevent the birth of such children. Once born their existence will by necessity generate too many moments of anxiety, pain and despair. Common sense also dictates that prospective mothers should make the decisions as to what lives are worth their bringing into the world."
"All such decisions, like, Do I want to find out whether my future child will be badly handicapped? should be the choice of a woman. No one should force her either to be tested or not tested. But she should know what genetic tests exist and how respective genetic disease, say, Downs syndrome, or fragile X, will impact the future of those women that bear these children. How women will make these decisions will naturally depend on their own senses of right and wrong and from what culture and religions they come out of."

Is there any doubt that Watson would advise abortion of a handicapped child? He speaks as though the child has no right to exist independent of his mother's whim.

Come on now, you can't expect me to believe that no one at the University of Scranton has access to the Internet? I found Watson's speech in one Google search. In a Catholic University, why are speakers brought in (probably at considerable cost) when they hold views contrary to Catholic teaching?

I have no way of knowing whether Watson will inject his pro-abortion and pro-infanticide views into the discussion, but if he does the pro-life community should be there to confront these anti-life views.

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