Monday, November 21, 2005

Baby Shower Collection Update- Scranton Chapter of Pa. for Human Life 11/21/2005

Thank you to all who helped promote our Baby Shower for Hurricane Katrina Flood Victims and to all the individuals who have contributed baby items. We are in the process of packing the boxes. Each box is prepared for a girl or boy from newborn to 2 years and includes diapers, diaper wipes, bottles, sip cups, baby lotion, baby oil, baby powder, formula, and baby shirts, outfits and other items of clothing.

I would like to especially thank my daughter Linda Cirba who is doing the bulk of the work as her senior service hours project. I also want to thank the mothers club of St. Mary's Byzantine Church in Scranton and the pastors and school principals who promoted our Baby Shower Collection.

National Right to Life has a similar project called Operation Baby Box. Individuals who would like to participate may visit for details.

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