Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Free Samples of Pro-Life Pamphlets

Several pamphlets are available from Pa. for Human Life's Pro-Life Information Center, 506 Broadway, Scranton, Pa. 18505. Leaders of college, community or church pro-life groups may request a sample. Pastors may wish to order them for Bible Study groups or put them on church pamphlet racks.
Titles include:
1. The First Nine Months published by Focus on the Family "The growth patterns described in this brochure is recognized medical information, documented by scientific research. It includes photos of the unborn child taken by Lennart Nilsson reprinted from A Child is Born c. 1977."
2. Adoption: A Loving Choice - Life Cycle Books.
3. Sing a Little Louder - Heritage House - Discusses a Christian's responsibility to end the Abortion Holocaust.
4. You're Considering an Abortion: What can Happen to You? discusses abortion complications for women. Heritage House.
5. Mary's Pregnancy - Quotes from the King James Bible.
6. Mary and the Gospel of Life-(for Roman Catholics).
7. Rachel's Vineyard retreats for healing after abortion.
For a Free Sample of any of the above titles, e-mail lifeissues@hotmail.com.
Please be sure to include your name, mailing address, and zip code.

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