Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Diaper Rebellion

What can young people contribute to a movement? Before you minimize the contributions of young people to the pro-life movement, or any movement,, read this article by Barry Farber. Farber tells of the contributions Serbian third graders made in defeating Adolph Hitler's Nazi war machine. Yes, I said third graders. It is an historical fact about World War II which didn't make it into American history books. It demonstrates the importance of standing for principle - no matter what your age. Visit:

Perhaps it will make pro-life leaders work harder to involve teens in the pro-life movement. Afterall, they are on the front lines in the fight to save unborn babies from abortion. Equip them with the knowledge they need. Have your pro-life orgenization or your church sponsor a teenager or two or five, and send them to the Pa. Pro-Life State Convention on October 1, 2005 in Valley Forge, Pa. For further information visit or call 717-541-0034 to request a brochure.

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