Wednesday, June 03, 2015

13-Year-Old Raped by Her Stepfather Rejects Abortion, Meets Her Daughter Decades Later

 Growing up was “normal” for me, I thought.  I have three younger
brothers  — all who were born to my mother and stepfather.  We did the
things families normally do:  camping, fishing, and celebrating
birthdays and holidays.  We went to movies, laughed together and enjoyed
playing outside.  We occasionally we went to church.   One thing which
wasn’t truly normal however, was the secret between me and my
stepfather.  From as young as I can remember, he sexually molested me.  I
knew nothing different.  As I said, I thought it was normal.  This was a
secret no one knew – a secret he told me I must keep, and I was too
terrified to tell anyone anyway.    The story continues:

13-Year-Old Raped by Her Stepfather Rejects Abortion, Meets Her Daughter Decades Later

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