Friday, May 08, 2015

Her Doctor Said a Dead Baby Was Better Than an Imperfect One and She Should Abort

When Eloise was a toddler, Stevie brought her to see the doctors who told her she should have an abortion because she wanted them to think long and hard about their so-called advice. She explained, “I wanted them to see what they told me to give up. I wanted them to understand that every one of the terrified mothers with sick babies is carrying a tiny person with her own personality, her own future, her own uniqueness. I wanted them to know that they’re not infallible. I wanted them to wonder how many babies they’d terminated after a misdiagnosis. I wanted to change their hearts. I knew that my daughter was destined for big things, and it would be a very big thing indeed to change the hearts and minds of these doctors who convince mothers that ending the lives of their babies is not only necessary, but right.”Her Doctor Said a Dead Baby Was Better Than an Imperfect One and She Should Abort

This video contains a beautiful story from a real courageous mom.

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