Friday, December 06, 2013

Priests for Life to Have its Day in Court!


Contact:  Leslie Palma

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Priest for Life’s legal challenge to the HHS mandate will be on the 
docket Monday in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. 

Priests for Life’s attorneys from the American Freedom Law Center and attorneys for the 
Obama administration are asking the court to decide on the constitutionality of the HHS mandate.

Plaintiffs in the case are Priests for Life as well as individual plaintiffs Fr. Frank Pavone, 
Janet Morana, and Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Priests for Life contends that forcing the ministry to authorize coverage for contraception, 
abortifacient drugs and sterilization services to the participants and beneficiaries of its
healthcare plan is a violation of its constitutional right to religious freedom and of the
Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

“With this mandate contained in the Affordable Care Act, the government is not only 
violating our religious beliefs; they are also taking it upon themselves to tell us what
the boundaries of those religious beliefs are. It is not up to the government to tell us when
 our conscience hurts; on the contrary, it's up to us as believers to tell the government."

Father Pavone is confident in the outcome of this case, and the judgment, which is 
expected before January 1, when the Priests for Life insurance plan is renewed,
could be among the very first judgments rendered for religious non-profits on the
merits of the arguments.

According to Robert Muise, American Freedom Law Center co-founder and senior counsel, 
“The question for the court on Monday is not whether compliance with the contraception
mandate can be reconciled with the teachings of the Catholic Church. That’s a question of
 religious conscience for the plaintiffs, and they have concluded that their legal and religious
obligations are incompatible. Consequently, the contraception mandate forces them to do
what their religion tells them they must not do in direct violation of the First Amendment and
the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”

Father Pavone and Janet Morana, Executive Director of Priests for Life, will travel to D.C. 
Monday to be in the courtroom and will be available for comment.

As he has said since filing the initial lawsuit in February 2012 – the fourth to be filed
against the mandate – Father Pavone reiterated that, regardless of the judge’s findings,
“We will not obey this mandate. We do not adapt to injustice. We oppose it.”  Visit:

Priests for Life to Have its Day in Court!:

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