Mother of "Brain Dead" Teen Jahi McMath: My Daughter is Alive | "A judge had ruled that a hospital in Oakland, California can remove life support from Jahi McMath, 13, who has been declared brain-dead days after undergoing surgery to have her tonsils removed. Her family is already devastated enough but has had to fight the hospital, which wanted to take her off life support against their wishes."
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Pennsylvania Right to Life Issues, Pro-Life Education and Resources, Abortion, Health Care, End of Life Issues, 2020 Elections. Covid19 related issues, Catholic Faith
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Mother of "Brain Dead" Teen Jahi McMath: My Daughter is Alive |
Mother of "Brain Dead" Teen Jahi McMath: My Daughter is Alive | "A judge had ruled that a hospital in Oakland, California can remove life support from Jahi McMath, 13, who has been declared brain-dead days after undergoing surgery to have her tonsils removed. Her family is already devastated enough but has had to fight the hospital, which wanted to take her off life support against their wishes."
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Thursday, December 19, 2013
Disability Community Loses a Hero By Dr. Mark Mostert
Alison Davis, champion of the disability community and unfailing exemplar of a life
well lived, died early on December 3, 2013.
Born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, Alison also bravely dealt with several
other serious chronic debilitating conditions that left her in constant severe pain.
Several decades before her death Alison despaired of ever escaping her disabilities,
contemplating and eventually attempting suicide several times.
However, she was eventually persuaded that suicide was not the answer by her full
time personal assistant, Colin Harte, and it was on a 1995 trip to India that Alison,
after witnessing the severe plight of the Indian poor, decided that she had
something to live for – helping those who, like her, had disabilities.
Alison was an ardent advocate against assisted suicide and euthanasia, making the
cogent point that had they been feely available during her darkest times, she would
ended her life – a life that despite her disabilities turned out to be filled with
immense joy and wonder at all the good things she was privileged to experience.
From 1982 until her death she served as the National coordinator of No Less
Human, an arm of the UK’s Society for the Protection of Unborn Children.
By the time I met Alison in Rome in 2004, I was well aware of her remarkable status
as a defender of all people with disabilities. I recall many wonderful moments as we
attended meetings of the Pontifical Academy for Life at the Vatican and on
sightseeing jaunts around the city.
It was, however, a simple dinner that several of us shared at a restaurant in the
shadows of St. Peter’s that leaves me with my most enduring memory of Alison.
Clearly in pain and tired after a long day, she was indefatigably positive, cheerful,
and funny. We chuckled about her characteristic little wave, which reminded me of
the Royal wave of Queen Elizabeth. Alison liked the royal comparison.
That dinner in Rome said all that needed to be said about Alison: She was defined by
her joy of life, by love, given and received, and by her extraordinary care for others.
Her medical disabilities didn’t define her, they were things that needed to be bent to
her will for a life well lived.
And a life well lived is exactly what Alison accomplished.
Dr. Mark Mostert is the Director of the Center for Disability in the Public Square
for the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network and serves as a member of their
Board of Directors.
well lived, died early on December 3, 2013.
Born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, Alison also bravely dealt with several
other serious chronic debilitating conditions that left her in constant severe pain.
Several decades before her death Alison despaired of ever escaping her disabilities,
contemplating and eventually attempting suicide several times.
However, she was eventually persuaded that suicide was not the answer by her full
time personal assistant, Colin Harte, and it was on a 1995 trip to India that Alison,
after witnessing the severe plight of the Indian poor, decided that she had
something to live for – helping those who, like her, had disabilities.
Alison was an ardent advocate against assisted suicide and euthanasia, making the
cogent point that had they been feely available during her darkest times, she would
ended her life – a life that despite her disabilities turned out to be filled with
immense joy and wonder at all the good things she was privileged to experience.
From 1982 until her death she served as the National coordinator of No Less
Human, an arm of the UK’s Society for the Protection of Unborn Children.
By the time I met Alison in Rome in 2004, I was well aware of her remarkable status
as a defender of all people with disabilities. I recall many wonderful moments as we
attended meetings of the Pontifical Academy for Life at the Vatican and on
sightseeing jaunts around the city.
It was, however, a simple dinner that several of us shared at a restaurant in the
shadows of St. Peter’s that leaves me with my most enduring memory of Alison.
Clearly in pain and tired after a long day, she was indefatigably positive, cheerful,
and funny. We chuckled about her characteristic little wave, which reminded me of
the Royal wave of Queen Elizabeth. Alison liked the royal comparison.
That dinner in Rome said all that needed to be said about Alison: She was defined by
her joy of life, by love, given and received, and by her extraordinary care for others.
Her medical disabilities didn’t define her, they were things that needed to be bent to
her will for a life well lived.
And a life well lived is exactly what Alison accomplished.
Dr. Mark Mostert is the Director of the Center for Disability in the Public Square
for the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network and serves as a member of their
Board of Directors.
The Fight Over Terri Schiavo's Fate and Her Family Today - Video - @OWNTV #WhereAreTheyNow
The Fight Over Terri Schiavo's Fate and Her Family Today - Video - @OWNTV #WhereAreTheyNow: "The Fight over Terri Schiavo's Fate and Her Family Today"
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The Fight Over Terri Schiavo's Fate and Her Family Today - Video - @OWNTV #WhereAreTheyNow
The Fight Over Terri Schiavo's Fate and Her Family Today - Video - @OWNTV #WhereAreTheyNow: "The Fight over Terri Schiavo's Fate and Her Family Today"
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Wednesday, December 11, 2013
One Million Babies Have Died in South Africa Since Nelson Mandela Legalized Abortion |
"The world mourns the passing of Nelson Mandela the civil rights leader and former President of South Africa. It is fitting that we should respect and applaud his untiring struggle for civil rights and for his leadership in bringing about reconciliation in South Africa.
In paying tribute to his many achievements as President between 1994 to 1999 we must not forget that he did not uphold the sanctity of life of children in the womb. The sanctity of human life and the dignity of the family are the foundation and guarantee of all other human rights. It is not possible to be a human rights crusader if one fails to uphold the human rights of the unborn" Visit:
One Million Babies Have Died in South Africa Since Nelson Mandela Legalized Abortion |
In paying tribute to his many achievements as President between 1994 to 1999 we must not forget that he did not uphold the sanctity of life of children in the womb. The sanctity of human life and the dignity of the family are the foundation and guarantee of all other human rights. It is not possible to be a human rights crusader if one fails to uphold the human rights of the unborn" Visit:
One Million Babies Have Died in South Africa Since Nelson Mandela Legalized Abortion |
James Dobson Files Lawsuit Against Obamacare's HHS-Abortion Pill Mandate |
"Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against the Obama administration on behalf of Dr. James Dobson and his “Family Talk” radio show and ministry, a Christian non-profit organization that is currently subject to Obamacare’s abortion pill mandate.
The lawsuit challenges the legality and constitutionality of the mandate, which requires religious employers to provide insurance coverage for abortifacients, sterilization, and contraception to employees regardless of religious or moral objections" Visit:
James Dobson Files Lawsuit Against Obamacare's HHS-Abortion Pill Mandate |
The lawsuit challenges the legality and constitutionality of the mandate, which requires religious employers to provide insurance coverage for abortifacients, sterilization, and contraception to employees regardless of religious or moral objections" Visit:
James Dobson Files Lawsuit Against Obamacare's HHS-Abortion Pill Mandate |
Friday, December 06, 2013
Priests for Life to Have its Day in Court!
Contact: Leslie Palma
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Priest for Life’s legal challenge to the HHS mandate will be on the
docket Monday in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.
Priests for Life’s attorneys from the American Freedom Law Center and attorneys for the
Obama administration are asking the court to decide on the constitutionality of the HHS mandate.
Plaintiffs in the case are Priests for Life as well as individual plaintiffs Fr. Frank Pavone,
Janet Morana, and Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Priests for Life contends that forcing the ministry to authorize coverage for contraception,
abortifacient drugs and sterilization services to the participants and beneficiaries of its healthcare plan is a violation of its constitutional right to religious freedom and of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
“With this mandate contained in the Affordable Care Act, the government is not only
violating our religious beliefs; they are also taking it upon themselves to tell us what the boundaries of those religious beliefs are. It is not up to the government to tell us when our conscience hurts; on the contrary, it's up to us as believers to tell the government."
Father Pavone is confident in the outcome of this case, and the judgment, which is
expected before January 1, when the Priests for Life insurance plan is renewed, could be among the very first judgments rendered for religious non-profits on the merits of the arguments.
According to Robert Muise, American Freedom Law Center co-founder and senior counsel,
“The question for the court on Monday is not whether compliance with the contraception mandate can be reconciled with the teachings of the Catholic Church. That’s a question of religious conscience for the plaintiffs, and they have concluded that their legal and religious obligations are incompatible. Consequently, the contraception mandate forces them to do what their religion tells them they must not do in direct violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”
Father Pavone and Janet Morana, Executive Director of Priests for Life, will travel to D.C.
Monday to be in the courtroom and will be available for comment.
As he has said since filing the initial lawsuit in February 2012 – the fourth to be filed
against the mandate – Father Pavone reiterated that, regardless of the judge’s findings, “We will not obey this mandate. We do not adapt to injustice. We oppose it.” Visit: |
Priests for Life to Have its Day in Court!:
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Leonardo Da Vinci's wacky piano is heard for the first time, after 500 years
You absolutely MUST listen to the haunting sounds of this amazing instrument! Visit: Leonardo Da Vinci's wacky piano is heard for the first time, after 500 years:
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Monday, December 02, 2013
We Must Help Mothers With Disabled Unborn Children Facing Abortion Pressure |
"You’ve probably heard the statistic before that as many as 90 percent of unborn children diagnosed with Down Syndrome become victims of abortion. This is partly due to the fact that mothers and fathers of such unborn babies face enormous pressure to have an abortion.
Whether the pressure comes from the doctor himself, family, or society, it has resulted in the destruction of people simple because they are somewhat different from everyone else. Gerard Nadal, a pro-life geneticist, is taking it upon himself to do something about it. He is collecting stories from women and parents facing such pressure — so pro-life people can push back against it." Visit: We Must Help Mothers With Disabled Unborn Children Facing Abortion Pressure |
Whether the pressure comes from the doctor himself, family, or society, it has resulted in the destruction of people simple because they are somewhat different from everyone else. Gerard Nadal, a pro-life geneticist, is taking it upon himself to do something about it. He is collecting stories from women and parents facing such pressure — so pro-life people can push back against it." Visit: We Must Help Mothers With Disabled Unborn Children Facing Abortion Pressure |