Thursday, July 18, 2013

TEXAS ABORTION CENTER CLOSES - Press Release from David Bereit of 40 days for Life

Bryan/College Station, Texas -- The most significant 
abortion center closure -- in the 40 years of legalized 
abortion since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision 
-- was made public today when Planned Parenthood Gulf 
Coast, Inc. announced that it was shutting down its 
abortion facility in Bryan/College Station, Texas after 
fifteen tumultuous years in business. 

In 2003, on the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, ABC's 
Nightline spotlighted pro-life efforts in Bryan/College 
Station and said the community was "shaping the abortion 
debate" in America. Since that time, the local Planned 
Parenthood abortion facility gained worldwide notoriety as: 
 * Site of the first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign in 
2004, an effort that has since grown into a worldwide 
pro-life mobilization of 575,000 volunteers in 501 
cities around the globe; saving 7,536 babies from 
abortion, closing 37 abortion centers, and helping 83 
workers to quit their jobs in the abortion industry 
 * Place where former abortion center director and 
Planned Parenthood employee of the year Abby Johnson 
experienced a conversion, quit her job, and became an 
outspoken pro-life advocate, going on to found And 
Then There Were None, a new ministry which has since 
helped 60 other workers to leave the abortion 
industry over the last year 
 * Home of the Coalition for Life, the grassroots 
organization which Planned Parenthood credited for 
making the community "the most anti-choice place in 
the nation" in which Planned Parenthood experienced 
its "most consistent and active" opposition in the 

David Bereit, national director of 40 Days for Life,
said: "This is epic news fifteen years in the making!
Thousands of dedicated community members have faithfully 
prayed and held peaceful vigils outside this abortion 
center, offered hope and alternatives to turn away 
prospective Planned Parenthood customers, and educated 
the community about the harm of Planned Parenthood.
These efforts, combined with the decisive action of 
the Texas legislature, have finally brought about this 
closure that is an answer to prayer."

Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life campaign director, said:
"As the birthplace of 40 Days for Life and the place 
where Abby Johnson resigned after eight years working 
for America's largest abortion chain, this is a huge 
victory for the entire pro life movement! Peaceful and 
prayerful local opposition to abortion is ending 
abortion from the grassroots up." 
     Abby Johnson, former Bryan/College Station Planned 
Parenthood abortion center director and founder of And 
Then There Were None, said: "This is what grace truly 
looks like. Knowing that the former abortion clinic I 
once ran is now closing is the biggest personal victory 
of my life. From running that facility, to then advocating 
for its closure, and now celebrating that dream ... it 
shows that my life has indeed come full circle. I am 
honored to have worked with so many who helped with my 
conversion and the closure of this facility. We will 
continue to fight until every abortion clinic in this 
country has shut its doors."  ### 
David Bereit
National Director
40 Days for Life

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