Tuesday, July 23, 2013

NY woman declared ‘brain dead’ woke up moments before organs harvested | LifeSiteNews.com

"SYRACUSE, NY, July 9, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A woman who was pronounced brain dead by doctors unexpectedly woke up just as her organs were about to be removed for transplant.

Doctors at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center were called on the carpet by the state Health Department for not properly determining if Colleen S. Burns was actually dead before they sought permission from her family to harvest her organs and scheduled the procedure.

Burns, 41, of Syracuse, New York, was taken to hospital in October 2009 after a drug overdose.
St. Joseph's Hospital Doctors believed she had suffered irreversible brain damage and was on the point of death, but it later came to light that she was in fact in a deep drug-induced coma."  Visit:
NY woman declared ‘brain dead’ woke up moments before organs harvested | LifeSiteNews.com:
This case makes one wonder how many live supposedly "drain dead" individuals were killed by the doctors who harvested their organs for transplant.

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