Wednesday, May 08, 2013

6,000 Complaints Lodged Against Late-Term Abortionist LeRoy Carhart

6,000 Complaints Lodged Against Late-Term Abortionist LeRoy Carhart: "A formal complaint was filed on February 19th by Operation Rescue, seeking the revocation of Carhart’s license in the death of Morbelli, who sought a late-term abortion at Carhart’s clinic in Germantown, Maryland. Morbelli was 33 weeks into her pregnancy with her pre-born daughter, Madison, who was diagnosed with a seizure disorder.
Following her abortion on February 6th, Carhart left Maryland and could not be reached by Morbelli’s family when her condition deteriorated later that evening. The next day, Morbelli was taken to Shady Grove Hospital where she eventually died from massive internal bleeding. "

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