Saturday, March 30, 2013

Rep. Barletta Supports Bill & Religious Freedom -

 Rep. Barletta Supports Bill & Religious Freedom - Would Relieve Employers from Taxes if they Object Under Religious Grounds -
WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta, PA-11, today endorsed legislation that would prohibit the federal government from levying a tax on employers for exercising their religious and moral beliefs by not complying with federal mandates under Obamacare.  According to a Congressional Research Service report, insurers and employers that do not comply with mandates from Health and Human Services could face a federal tax of $100 per day per employee, or $36,500 a year per employee. 
“We are a nation that was founded on the independence of religious thought,” said Rep. Barletta.  “For the federal government to impose rules that run afoul of this is unconscionable.” 
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, leaves intact an assault to religious freedom, in that it leaves in place the controversial HHS mandate that requires employers to provide drugs and services in their employee health care plans, regardless of religious and moral objections to those services.  The decision also leaves intact one of the largest tax increases on the American public through the individual mandate tax and various other taxes tucked away in dark corners of the law.  
“The most unreported part of Obamacare is that unelected bureaucrats are inflicting their views onto American citizens,” Barletta said.  “Invading religious rights is the worst part of it.  It has to stop.  And it has to stop now.”-30-

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