Friday, March 15, 2013

Family Cord Blood Banking | Free Services Based on Need | CBR®

I have long been a proponent of saving and banking a child's umbilical cord stem cells.  Some may find it expensive, but I think of it as an insurance policy against a serious disease your child (or grandchild) may develop. Now CBR (Cord Blood Registry) has developed a program to assist those with serious needs.
One of the qualifications for the program is if a family member:
"Has been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease currently treatable with a donor stem cell transplant"
From the CBR web site:
"Studies have shown that cord blood stem cell transplants from a related donor have better survival rates than unrelated stem cell transplants, with fewer serious complications."

Our Newborn Possibilities Program provides free access to genetically related donor stem cells to those families who qualify for the Designated Treatment Protocol.

Over 3,500 patients have participated in our Newborn Possibilities Program, which offers families free collection,* processing, and five years of storage. All families residing in the United States who meet the qualification criteria may apply." For the list of qualification criteria visit:

Family Cord Blood Banking | Free Services Based on Need | CBR®:

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