Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Miracle Baby Born Weighing Less Than a Pound | LifeNews.com

This story is probably one of the best of the year in terms of its ability to prove the humanity of life in the womb.
This little girl born at only one pound should give mothers contemplating late term abortion something to think about:
Miracle Baby Born Weighing Less Than a Pound | LifeNews.com: "Seven-month-old Noelle Christine Aguiar already is melting hearts.

This beautiful little girl was born weighing less than a pound. Doctors predicted that she would not survive – first in the womb and then in her earliest stages of life.

But today Noelle is a smiling, thriving miracle of life. Now weighing six pounds, seven ounces, Noelle is finally out of the hospital and home with her parents."

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