Monday, October 22, 2012

PA Attorney General's Race: David Freed vs. Kathleen Kane Debate Tonight.

"HARRISBURG (Oct. 22) – Sometime this week you will be able to turn on your TV and see both candidates for attorney general, in TV ads. Tonight you can tune in to see the Democrat, Kathleen Kane, and the Republican, David Freed, debate with a third-party candidate on the Pennsylvania Cable Network."(See secondt post about PCN and the debate)
The article continues:
"Because while Freed has kept up a public schedule of campaigning events, and welcomed media coverage and answered questions at length, Kane has ducked scrutiny more than any other Pennsylvania statewide candidate in my tenure covering statewide politics."

"On one recent day as her staff told my staff she was making no public appearances and maybe she would be in the Harrisburg area the following week, I walked down to Second Street for a slice of pizza. When I picked up my order, my luncheon companion told me Kane had just walked by, as had U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz, D-Montgomery, in town to raise funds for Kane."  

Cirba:  Allyson Schwartz is a Pennsylvania congresswoman who is so radically pro-abortion that her voting record on life issues from 2005 to the present according to National Right to Life Committee is thirty-three votes against pro-life.  If Schwartz is holding fundraisers for  \ 
Kathleen Kane, you can bet she will vote pro-abortion.  Perhaps the reason she is making herself scarce to the public and reporters is that she does not want to answer questions about her stance on abortion.  

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