Thursday, September 20, 2012

RealClearMarkets - The Emerging Obamacare Truth Is Disarray

According to an article in Real Clear Markets features of Obamacare are way over budget  From the article: "The temporary "high risk" pools that Obamacare created, to provide a way for those with pre-existing health conditions to get insurance immediately, are undersubscribed yet way over budget. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the $5 billion allocated to these pools could enroll 200,000 consumers. They envisioned enrollment growing to more than 400,000. But only 77,877 have signed up as of July, yet the program is way over its budget. More than a quarter of these state-based risk pools are short on cash."  Visit:  RealClearMarkets - The Emerging Obamacare Truth Is Disarray:

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