Thursday, June 28, 2012

Marino Statement on Supreme Court's Obamacare Decision | Congressman Thomas Marino

June 28, 2012
U.S. Rep. Tom Marino (PA-10) issued the following statement today upon the announcement of the Supreme Court’s decision on the challenge to Obamacare:
“Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling, Congress must continue to chip away at the most egregious and unpopular provisions of Obamacare in hopes of achieving a full repeal.  The House has already voted 30 times to fully repeal, defund or dismantle parts of Obamacare.
“The simple truth is that President Obama, his liberal allies in Congress, and the special interest groups who wrote Obamacare brought us to this point by ignoring the will of the American people and the principles on which our nation was founded.
“Obamacare puts our nation on exactly the wrong path.  Instead of making health care more affordable, it increases health care costs for families and small businesses.  Instead of making quality health care more accessible, it threatens an individual’s ability to keep employer-sponsored insurance coverage.  Instead of making sure health decisions can be made by doctors and patients, it gives government bureaucrats control over our entire health care system.  And, instead of controlling out-of-control federal spending, it will add up to $530 billion to the federal debt over 10 years. 
“Constitutional or not, there is no doubt this misguided law and the time wasted will be a stain on Barack Obama’s presidency.    
“Once Obamacare is repealed fully, we can initiate a fact-based national conversation about finding a better approach that will lower health care costs, increase access to quality care, and empower patients and doctors to make decisions about care; not insurance companies or bureaucrats.”  Visit:  Marino Statement on Supreme Court's Obamacare Decision | Congressman Thomas Marino

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