Saturday, March 31, 2012

Here's how Mitt Romney filled out Planned Parenthood's candidate survey

"Here's how Mitt Romney filled out Planned Parenthood's candidate survey in 2002
When running for Massachusetts governor -- as a "moderate"

POSTED: Feb. 25, 2012 on
While running for GovernorRomney told Planned Parenthood that he supports:

-  Roe v. Wade
-  State funding for abortions
-  Requiring insurance to cover contraception (in principle, depending on cost)
-  The "buffer zone" around abortion clinics and "aggressive enforcement" of it
-  Sex education for kids in schools
-  Increased access to emergency contraception (i.e., Catholic hospitals)
-  and more.

(Here's what Romney filled out; see text of questionnaire"  Visit:

Here's how Mitt Romney filled out Planned Parenthood's candidate survey:

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