Monday, February 13, 2012

USCCB insists: White House spreading falsehoods about contraceptive mandate : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

"In its response, the USCCB stated that each of Muñoz’s claims is false, misleading, or irrelevant. In countering Muñoz’s assertion that “drugs that cause abortion are not covered by this policy,” for example, the USCCB stated:

False. The policy already requires coverage of Ulipristal (HRP 2000 or “Ella”), a drug that is a close analogue to RU-486 (mifepristone) and has the same effects. RU-486 itself is also being tested for possible use as an “emergency contraceptive” – and if the FDA approves it for that purpose, it will automatically be mandated as well." Visit:USCCB insists: White House spreading falsehoods about contraceptive mandate : News Headlines - Catholic Culture:

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