Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Santorum takes Colorado, two other states; Romney regroups | The Coloradoan |

Here's the breakdown of Colorado's caucus results:
Santorum 26,354 -- 40.24%
Romney 22,855 -- 34.90%
Perry 52 -- 0.08%
Paul 7,708 -- 11.77%
Others 57 -- 0.09%
Huntsman 46 -- 0.07%
Gingrich 8,390 -- 12.81%
Bachman 27 -- 0.04%
Total 65,489 100%

Santorum cast the results as a victory for a purer form of conservatism than Romney has offered, Visit:Santorum takes Colorado, two other states; Romney regroups | The Coloradoan |

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