Friday, November 04, 2011

Planned Parenthood of Syracuse N.Y. Won't Provide Pregnancy Test Unless Women Choose Abortion

40 Days for Life Volunteers outside a Syracuse N.Y. Planned Parenthood Witnessed the Following:
"The young woman walked out of Planned Parenthood in tears. She just wanted to know if she was pregnant — but Planned Parenthood wanted to steer her towards abortion. “We offered her support and assisted her to the pregnancy care center next door,” said Jeanie, a 40 Days for Life leader in Syracuse.

It was not an isolated situation.

“One couple we offered assistance to told us as they were leaving that Planned Parenthood would not even give them a pregnancy test if they were not planning to have an abortion,” she said, “and the couple said they had insurance.”

Volunteers also spoke to a mother and daughter on the sidewalk outside. “The daughter was pregnant and angry at Planned Parenthood for not being willing to provide any pregnancy care whatsoever if she didn’t plan on aborting the baby,” Jeanie said.

She simply needed help filling out insurance forms. They were directed instead to the pro-life pregnancy care center to get the assistance they needed."

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