Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Stem cell bill ignores patients and real science - The Hill's Congress Blog

"The reintroduction of a bill for federal taxpayer support of human embryonic stem cell research by U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), co-sponsored by U.S. Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.), will waste taxpayer funds on unworthy science and possibly delay cures for patients. While the text of the bill isn’t yet available at this writing, sources say it will be close or identical to her previous offering in the 111th Congress.

The bill’s purpose supposedly is to codify the Obama administration’s 2009 liberalized policy of federal funding for human embryonic stem cells. However, it lays out a policy that is neither ethically responsible nor scientifically worthy, including authorizing funds for the cloning (by somatic cell nuclear transfer) of human embryos for experiments."

'via Blog this'Stem cell bill ignores patients and real science - The Hill's Congress Blog:

This is an excellent article by David Prentice.

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