Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Apparitions of Mary - MAIL BAG  LETTERS FROM READERS | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton PA - Letters to the Editor

"Our Lady of Guadalupe miracle story retold
Nightline” has been airing special one-hour, primetime programs. On July 14, the focus was on the apparitions of Mary, mother of Jesus."Our Lady of Guadalupe miracle story retold

Among the apparitions examined was one that occurred in Wisconsin about 150 years ago that only recently has gained the official approval of the Catholic Church – the first in the United States.

Another apparition briefly included in the program was that of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. Unfortunately, the time allotted for this famous and enormously important apparition was minimal. In his letter to the editor Dr. Charles De Celles from Marywood University adds more details.

Visit:MAIL BAG  LETTERS FROM READERS | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton PA - Letters to the Editor:

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