Monday, July 11, 2011

National Association of Pro-Life Nurses

Beginning in 1973, when abortion was accepted as a legal alternative to pregnancy, healthcare professionals have been confronted by an ever-increasing number of morally challenging life issues. 

The list of ethical dilemmas continues to grow: in vitro fertilization, cloning, fetal experimentation, organ donation and transplantation, nutrition and hydration, patient rights, certain sterilization practices, looming rationing of medical resources, assisted suicide and euthanasia, and stem cell research with its promise of advances in the treatment of disease.

The National Association of Pro-Life Nurses is a valuable resource. This not-for-profit organization unites nurses who seek excellence in nurturing for all, including the unborn, newborn, disabled, mentally and or/physically ill, the aged and the dying.

Visit:Home Page: "Welcome to Nurses For LIFE                                                                                                        

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