Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Brigham :Operation Rescue

Allentown, PA – A group of pro-life activists joint together on Saturday morning to warn the public and women entering the Allentown Medical Services abortion clinic of the dangerous conditions found there during recent state inspections.

The protesters came from all over Pennsylvania to protest at the clinic once owned by the notorious Steven Chase Brigham, who has such an appalling history of abortion abuses that he has been ordered not to have any involvement, direct or indirect, with any abortion business in that state. Brigham transferred control to Rose Health Services, which is a company purportedly owned by his mother. Brigham continues to solicit abortion business for the Allentown clinic through his American Medical Services web site.

The pro-life activists carried signs with slogans like “Unacceptable risk to women at this abortion facility.”

Video taken at the protest showed maintenance worker at the building where the abortion clinic operates thanking the protesters for exposing the dangers of the abortion clinic.

Violations found during an inspection that took place on May 26, 2011, discovered out-of-date medicine, metal instruments with a brown material in the hinges and inside the supposedly sterile packaging, surgical instruments tossed in unsterilized drawers, and surgical instruments stored in a “musty” smelling suitcase in broken wrappers – all of which were considered by employees to be ready for use on patients.

Also discovered was a freezer where “Infectious Waste”, (the remains of aborted babies), was stored that was smeared with what an employee acknowledged was blood and contained a thick layer of frozen blood in the bottom. Dirty recovery room blankets and a dangerous lack of patient monitoring were also documented.

No plan has been to correct these egregious violations has been filed, yet the abortion clinic continues to operate.

“Kudos to Kathy Kuhns, who did a great job organizing this protest. We must keep up the public opposition and pressure on the Pennsylvania Department of Health until this dirty and dangerous abortion mill is closed for good,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman

Anyone who is interested in participating in continued protests at the Allentown Medical Services abortion clinic is encouraged to contact krkuhns1(at) :Operation Rescue

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