Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Oh the Joys of Government Controlled Health Care!NHS budget squeeze to blame for longer waiting times, say doctors | Society | The Guardian

The Guardian reported on waiting times for care under the United Kingdom's government controlled National Health Service: "New NHS performance data reveal that the number of people in England who are being forced to wait more than 18 weeks has risen by 26% in the last year, while the number who had to wait longer than six months has shot up by 43%.

In March this year, 34,639 people, or 11% of the total, waited more than that time to receive inpatient treatment, compared with 27,534, or 8.3%, in March 2010 – an increase of 26% – Department of Health statistics show." Visit:NHS budget squeeze to blame for longer waiting times, say doctors | Society | The Guardian:

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