Tuesday, May 03, 2011

From Operation Rescue - Help Iowa Ban Late Term Abortion

"Des Moines, IA – Iowa State Senators are set to employ a political maneuver that will send the stalled — but urgently needed — Fetal Pain Bill to the floor for debate next week. Senators plan to file a petition signed by the majority of members that will force a floor debate on HF 657 on Tuesday or Wednesday.

The legislation, which would ban late-term abortions after 20 weeks when pre-born babies can feel pain, passed easily in the House in March then stalled out in the Democrat-controlled Senate Government Oversight Committee, which says it has no intention moving on the bill.

The action to by-pass the committee and move the bill to the floor took place one day after Iowa Right to Life and Operation Rescue held a joint press conference at the Iowa Capitol, and two days after a local paper took the Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal to task for blocking progress on the Fetal Pain bill." To Send e-mails to Senators visit:
Operation Rescue:

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