Sunday, March 13, 2011

Microsoft apologizes earthquake pitch blows up on Twitter

Early Saturday, the company (Microsoft) tweeted: “How can you #SupportJapan — For every retweet, bing will give $1 to Japan quake victims, up to $100K. Hundreds of people were killed and thousands are missing.." (Calgary Herald)
Other social-media networks, including Twitter, provided a resource for people looking to make private donations to aid agencies for relief to the people of Japan. The Calgary Herald article goes on to cite the negative public response Microsoft received for this promotional ploy.
It's no surprise that Microsoft would use such a tragedy for self promotion. Bill Gates is used to more sinister stuff. Life News Reported in June 2006: "The Gates Foundation has given the Planned Parenthood Federation of America almost $12.5 million since 1998. These funds are used to persuade teenagers to support abortion as well as advance abortion in the United Nations. The International Planned Parenthood abortion business has received almost $21 million from the Gates foundation over the last seven years. These funds were used to kill unborn babies in third world countries."
When it comes to promoting the killing of unborn babies Bill Gates has spent $33.5 million by 2006 and probably mush more by now, but when it comes to saving lives Microsoft offers a mere $100 thousand.
Come on Bill you can do better than that! Sue Cirba

Read more from the Calgary Herald Article: apologizes earthquake pitch blows up on Twitter

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