Letting Crisis Pregnancy Centers Do Their Work « The Gospel in the Digital Age

Archbishop Dolan writes:This controversy over Intro 371 reminds me of a conversation I had not too long ago with a dedicated woman medical professional who works in one of the wonderful crisis pregnancy centers here in New York City. “Archbishop,” she said to me, “we’re here to help women who want an alternative to abortion. We don’t get massive subsidies from the government like the abortion clinics. We sure don’t have the well-heeled donors Planned Parenthood has. Why are some people trying so hard to get rid of us? Why is the city government harassing us? All we want is to be left alone to do our work.”
Letting Crisis Pregnancy Centers Do Their Work « The Gospel in the Digital Age

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fundraiser benefits mother/infant program - News - The Times-Tribune

"The sixth annual 'shower' for the mother/infant program at St. Joseph's Center took place at Stirna's Restaurant. It raised money for supplies mothers in that program will use when they move into their own homes." Visit:
Fundraiser benefits mother/infant program - News - The Times-Tribune:

Friday, March 18, 2011

UTHealth studies cord blood stem cells for pediatric traumatic brain injury

The following article from PRN newswire, Houston (Jan.5, 2011) discusses a new study using umbilical cord stem cells for treating pediatric traumatic brain injury:
"The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) has begun enrollment for the first Phase I safety study approved by the Food and Drug Administration to investigate the use of a child’s own umbilical cord blood stem cells for traumatic brain injury in children. The study is being performed in conjunction with Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, UTHealth’s primary children’s teaching hospital."
The study is led by Charles S. Cox Jr.MD from the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. The article page also contains a link to a fact sheet on brain injury that may be of interest. Visit PRN newswire article:
UTHealth studies cord blood stem cells for pediatric traumatic brain injury

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Microsoft apologizes earthquake pitch blows up on Twitter

Early Saturday, the company (Microsoft) tweeted: “How can you #SupportJapan — http://binged.it/fEh7iT. For every retweet, bing will give $1 to Japan quake victims, up to $100K. Hundreds of people were killed and thousands are missing.." (Calgary Herald)
Other social-media networks, including Twitter, provided a resource for people looking to make private donations to aid agencies for relief to the people of Japan. The Calgary Herald article goes on to cite the negative public response Microsoft received for this promotional ploy.
It's no surprise that Microsoft would use such a tragedy for self promotion. Bill Gates is used to more sinister stuff. Life News Reported in June 2006: "The Gates Foundation has given the Planned Parenthood Federation of America almost $12.5 million since 1998. These funds are used to persuade teenagers to support abortion as well as advance abortion in the United Nations. The International Planned Parenthood abortion business has received almost $21 million from the Gates foundation over the last seven years. These funds were used to kill unborn babies in third world countries."
When it comes to promoting the killing of unborn babies Bill Gates has spent $33.5 million by 2006 and probably mush more by now, but when it comes to saving lives Microsoft offers a mere $100 thousand.
Come on Bill you can do better than that! Sue Cirba

Read more from the Calgary Herald Article: http://www.theprovince.com/news/Microsoft+apologizes+earthquake+pitch+blows+Twitter/4431303/story.html#ixzz1GUbDi66eMicrosoft apologizes earthquake pitch blows up on Twitter

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Backlash from Gosnell, Brigham Abortion Horror Cases Closes Two Clinics, Spotlights Another

From Operation Rescue: Upon inspection, other PA abortion facilities are found to have unsanitary conditions. The abortionist "Soli was ordered to cease operations until his clinics could be brought into compliance, but instead, Soli closed the clinics and retired."

“This is a prime example of where an abortionist would rather close down his seedy abortion operation rather than go to the trouble to clean it up. This attitude displays a gross lack of concern for the health and safety of women, since he would have been glad to keep operating under dangerous conditions if the Health Department had not stepped in,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “It also shows the critical need to inspect abortion mills and hold them accountable to health codes and the law.”
Backlash from Gosnell, Brigham Abortion Horror Cases Closes Two Clinics, Spotlights Another

Japanese Church 'in shock' after massive earthquake and tsunami :: Catholic News Agency #CNA#

The chancellor of the Diocese of Niigata in northern Japan, Fr. Koichi Otaki, said the country was “still in shock over what has happened.”

The 23-foot waves reportedly hit the nearby Diocese of Sendai hardest. Government officials say they have already found up to 300 bodies in Sendai, near the epicenter of the earthquake, where more than 100 people are confirmed dead and 350 are reported missing.

Japanese Church 'in shock' after massive earthquake and tsunami :: Catholic News Agency #CNA#

CRS Ready to Respond to Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

“We know from 2004 the devastating impact that these tsunamis can have,” said Sean Callahan, CRS’ executive vice president for overseas operations. “As with all such disasters, CRS will help people recover from the emergency and stand with them as they recover in the months and years to come.”

Caritas Japan is beginning to assess the needs in that country where the tsunami has caused extensive damage. CRS has programs in the Philippines and Indonesia and works with Caritas Oceania that is active in numerous islands in the Pacific that might be affected. visit:
CRS Ready to Respond to Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

Friday, March 11, 2011

Two More Philadelphia-Area Abortion Clinics Shuttered Following Inspections | CitizenLink

More unsanitary PA abortion clinics shut down. Form Citizen Link: "At Soli’s Bensalem clinic, inspectors found the remains of preborn babies left outside the building in unsecured containers, AP reported. Inspectors say drugs and equipment required to resuscitate patients were missing. And they say dozens of expired drugs were found, some dating back decades." Visit:
Two More Philadelphia-Area Abortion Clinics Shuttered Following Inspections | CitizenLink:

Tsunami Warning Wides To Include Hawaii : NPR

Tsunami Warning Wides To Include Hawaii : NPR: "A tsunami warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii after a large earthquake in Japan was widened beyond East Asia late Thursday to include Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Central and South America and the rest of the Pacific Ocean.

The warning was issued Thursday at 9:31 HST p.m. Sirens were sounded about 30 minutes later in Honolulu alerting people in coastal areas to evacuate, and the first waves were expected to arrive at 2:55 a.m. local time Friday."


FOX NEWS broke into regular programming sometime between one and one thirty AM with news of a deadly tsunami hitting the northeast (I believe) coast of Japan due to an 8.8 or 8.9 earthquake off shore. The video is horrible. There are estimated from 13 foot or larger tides coming into to large cities on the coast. Cars homes and people are washed away. It is not known whether these people had any advance warning of the tsunami.

The tsunami is expected to hit the coast of other countries. Russia, Guam, the Philippines, Hawaii and perhaps even the west coast of the US. The tsunami tide is expected to be smaller the further from the center of the earthquake, however a warning was given in Hawaii to expect the tsunami to hit about two to three AM.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Pennsylvanians for Human Life Annual Respect Life Prayer Breakfast on Catholic Television in the Diocese of Scranton

The Respect For Life Prayer Breakfast that was held at St. Mary’s Center, Scranton, PA on January 29, 2011, with principle speaker Rev. Dr. Clenard Childress, Jr. (90min)will be broadcast on CTV on Monday, March 14th at 2:00 p.m., and Tuesday, March 22nd at 8:00 p.m..

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Medical Rationer Berwick a Short Timer at Medicare

Berwick is a vocal health care rationing enthusiast–despite his weak efforts to walk that position back after joining government. His pro rationing views were even endorsed by Secretary Sebelius. But despite at the time a 60-40-59/41 working majority in the Senate, he was never called before a committee to testify in support of his own nomination, and Obama summarily made a recess appointment without even trying to garner Senate confirmation.Visit:
Medical Rationer Berwick a Short Timer at Medicare

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Who was fired in Gosnell abortion scandal? This article names them: Corbett fires 6 over abortion clinic horrors | Philadelphia Inquirer 02/15/11

"Among those fired by Corbett was Christine Dutton, the Department of Health's chief counsel, who defended her agency's failure to respond to patient Karnamaya Mongar's death by telling the grand jury: 'People die.'

The report alleges that Dutton showed a 'blatant refusal to enforce the law.' It says that she knew that abortion clinics could have been treated as ambulatory surgical centers, requiring yearly inspections. But she went along with an unwritten policy not to apply that law for political"Visit: Visit:Corbett fires 6 over abortion clinic horrors | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/15/2011: