Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Thoughts on Carney v. Marino Race by Jerry Birmelyn

I am sharing some of my thoughts on ... the 10th Congressional in northeast PA.

The incumbent, Chris Carney, is serving his second term, thanks to the poor behavior exhibited by his predecessor, Don Sherwood. He has since been clever enough to get re-elected in a GOP district by portraying himself as a "blue dog (conservative)" Democrat, while still having a voting record that is very liberal and in opposition to most 10th Congressional residents. Our local media doesn't challenge him at all and seldom reports on his voting record, so he has been able to deceive the public about the true nature of his votes.

Republican Tom Marino, answered a questionnaire from PA Family Institute,... but Carney did not.
I have also received an email from the American Family Association that lists 18 key votes by Carney, that you can see by going to:http://afaaction.net click on "Pennsylvania" and "House." There you will see in answers to issues .. that Carney has voted to restrict free speech in elections, expand federal gov. in education, support homosexuals serving in the military, Obamacare which includes federal funding for abortion among many other simply awful provisions and legislation that will lead to advocacy for same-sex marriages overseas. Not in this listing are his votes for the so-called "stimulus" legislation and Wall Street bailouts and many other similar huge spending bills that have caused our national debt to sky rocket out of control. So much for being a "blue dog."

His opponent, Tom Marino, is a former DA from Lycoming County and a former federal prosecutor. His positions are fairly conservative. I have attended meetings where he has reiterated these positions, so he is consistent in his public statements.

Tom's biggest challenge is to overcome his past association with a man, Lois DeNaples, who is quite controversial. Tom was employed by Mr. DeNaples after leaving the federal prosecutors office, to assist him with Mount Airy Lodge Casino. He has been attacked for that connection by Carney who is trying to make Marino "guilty by association." Carney has also made some charges about Marino being forced to leave office under a cloud of suspicion, but there is little evidence to support that claim and some evidence that it is really the opposite, that Marino served with distinction.

While I would not have gone to work for a man with the checkered past of Mr. DeNaples, especially in support of the gambling industry, I have to assess whether I want my Congressman to represent my values and what I think is best for the country. It is clear to me that Chris Carney has been supporting an agenda that is destroying the economic and moral fabric of our nation. He is a deceiver and lacks the character to defend his votes and, instead, has focused his campaign on attacking his opponent with peripheral issues.

When asked in a 2009 town hall meeting in Honesdale if he would vote for Obamacare if it allowed for federal funding of abortion, he stated that he would not. Yet, when presented with clear evidence (provided by several respected organizations) that this legislation did indeed provide for funding, he voted for it anyway and had the audacity to send out a press release stating the opposite:

"This bill also continues the longstanding ban on public funding for abortion, a factor that weighed heavily on my mind in recent days."

Yes, Tom Marino has some baggage ..., but when compared to the track record of Chris Carney and all the damage he has promoted, I see that my vote must be for Marino. Not only has Carney proven to be bad for this country, his re-election will be another vote for Pelosi and her ilk to continue their march towards more socialism and bigger government. Jerry Birmelin
edited by Sue Cirba

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