Saturday, November 06, 2010

New Jersey Residents: Urgent Alert from New Jersey Right to Life! PP Funding Bills Scheduled for Hearing on Mon. Nov. 8. Take Action Immediately!

**11/03/10 Update - Urgent Action Needed! The Assembly Appropriations has scheduled a hearing on Bills A3273 and A3274 to fund Planned Parenthood/family planning clinics for Mon.Nov. 8, 2010 at 2 p.m. in Committee Room 11, 4th Floor of the State House Annex. These are the Assembly versions of the bills which were supposed to be heard at the October 7 Senate Budget Committee that was cancelled. See below for further details.

Bill information: Bill S2293/A3274 transfers $5M of unexpended balance from Purchase of Service for Inmates Incarcerated in County Penal Facilities account from the budget and appropriates that amount for Women's Health and family planning services. Bill S2294/A3273 requires the Department of Human Services to file a permanent waiver application to expand medicaid coverage to persons up to 200% of the poverty level. The bills will ensure that Planned Parenthood/family planning clinics get reimbursed 90% for every service they provide.

An important fact that the sponsors of these bills won't mention is that a U.S. Inspector General audit found that from 2001-2005, Planned Parenthood improperly billed all outpatient services to get the 90% reimbursement rate. The State had to reimburse the federal government a total of $3M for this billing error. Their arrogance knows no bounds.
These bills are on the fast track.

1. If possible, please plan to come down to the Assembly Appropriations Hearing in Trenton on Monday, November 8 for the Hearing to show your opposition to funding Planned Parenthood/family planning clinics. Please email me at if you plan to come to Trenton.
2. Please email and call the members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee listed below and the Governor with suggested message(s) as soon as possible, but before Monday. See below for list of members and suggested message.
3. Please phone and email your own State Senator and 2 Assembly persons with the same message. You can also send a pre-written email to them directly by clicking on "Take Action."

On September 20, the NJ Senate failed to override the Governor's VETO of S2139. Thanks to all who contacted their Senators. Immediately following the vote, Democrats in both Houses introduced two new bills, S2293/A3274 and S2294/ A3273 to fund Planned Parenthood. Please call and email the following members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee and Senate Budget Committee and the Governor. See messages for each below.

Message for Members of the Assembly Appropriations and your three State Legislators: As a NJ taxpayer and citizen, I urge you to vote no on Bills A3273 and A3274. I don't want my tax dollars used to fund Planned Parenthood/family planning clinics. Thank you.

Contact these Members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee with the message above

Nellie Pou, Chair (D), 973 247-1555,
Ruben J. Ramos (D), Vice Chair, 201 714-4960,
Dawn Marie Addiego,(R), 609 654-1498,
Peter J. Barnes (D), 732 548-1406,
Upendra J. Chivukula,(D), 732 247-3999,
Herb Conaway (D), 856 461-3997,
Louis D. Greenwald (D), 856 435-1247,
John DiMaio (R), 908 684-9550,
John F. McKeon (D), 973 275-1113,
Erik Peterson (R), 908 237-4694,
Samuel Thompson (R), 732 583-5558,

Phone # for Governor Christie Phone # 609 292 6000, Fax 609 292 3454
Click here to email the Governor.
Message for Governor Christie: As a NJ taxpayer and citizen, I urge you to veto Bills S2293/A3274 and S2294/A3273. I don't want my tax dollars used to fund Planned Parenthood/family planning clinics. Thank you.

10/7/10- The Senate Budget Committee cancelled a hearing on Bills S2293/A3274 and S2294/A3273 for Thursday, October 7 at 1 p.m., Committee Room 4, 1st Floor of the State House Annex. These bills are pro-abortion lawmakers' second try to fund one of their core constituencies, Planned Parenthood, with our tax dollars. Check back for further updates.

On September 20, the NJ Senate failed to override the Governor's veto on Sep 20. Thanks to all who contacted their Senators. Immediately following the vote, Democrats in both Houses introduced two new bills, S2293 and S2294 and A3273 and A3274 to fund Planned Parenthood. Please call and email the members of the Senate Budget Committee and the Governor. See messages for each below.

Message for Members of the Senate Budget Committee and your three State Legislators: As a NJ taxpayer and citizen, I urge you to vote no on Bills A3273 and A3274. I don't want my tax dollars used to fund Planned Parenthood/family planning clinics. Thank you.

Members of the Senate Budget Committee:
Senator Paul Sarlo (D), 201 804-8118,
Senator Brian Stack (D), 201 861-5091,
Senator James Beach (D), 856 429-1572,
Senator Anthony Bucco (R), 973 627-9700,
Senator Mike Doherty (R), 908 835-0552,
Senator Steve Oroho (R), 973 300-0200,
Senator Kevin O'Toole (R), 973 237-1360,
Senator Joseph Pennacchio (R), 973 227-4012,
Senator Sandra Cunningham (D), 201 451-5100,
Senator M. Teresa Ruiz (D), 973 484-1000,
Senator Shirley Turner (D), 609 530-3277,
Senator Jeff Van Drew (D), 609 465 0700,
Senator Barbara Buono (D), 732 205 1372,

Phone # for Governor Christie 609 292 6000, Fax 609 292 3454
Click here to email the Governor.
Message for Governor Christie: As a NJ taxpayer and citizen, I urge you to veto Bills S2293/A3274 and S2294/A3273. I don't want my tax dollars used to fund Planned Parenthood/family planning clinics. Thank you.

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