Thursday, October 28, 2010

Where does Lou Barletta Stand on Abortion?

Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta has received the endorsement of the National Right to Life Committee Political Action Committee according to a Scranton Times article of 9/28/10. Karen Cross, NRLC 's PAC director said Mr. Barletta is "very pro-life and very much against the Obama health care law." Mayor Lou Barletta said he was "proud to accept their endorsement."

Lou Barletta is solidly pro-life. Barletta has pledged "I believe that innocent life should be protected at every stage of development." Barletta said regarding health care legislation, "I will never support a program that results in rationing of life-saving procedures to those covered under those programs." Barletta also opposes the establishment of legal euthanasia and human cloning.

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