Saturday, June 05, 2010

Physicians For Life - Abstinence, Abortion, Birth Control - AAPLOG Statement On Emergency Contraception

PhysiciansforLifeStatementon Emergency Contraception: "Emergency Contraceptive Pills. [Again,] one must be careful of the terminology. Many now speak of 'conception' as that moment when the human blastocyst, the early ball of approximately 100 cells, actually implants in the mother’s uterus (womb).
The time from actual fertilization (sperm and egg unite in the Fallopian Tube) until implantation, a period of about 7-10 days, is ignored by this definition, even though no genetic change occurs in the cells during this time period." Visit:Physicians For Life - Abstinence, Abortion, Birth Control - AAPLOG Statement On Emergency Contraception:

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