Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Issues « Jon Runyan for Congress - Health Care

Jon Runyan on Health CaRE: "Affordable, High Quality Healthcare
The big government takeover of healthcare being pushed through Congress is, quite simply, a disaster waiting to happen. While my opponent, John Adler, continues to hem and haw about where he stands on the issue, let me be clear where I stand – I am 100% opposed to it and would vote against it if I were in Congress today.
I favor a more incremental approach that includes allowing small businesses to pool together to buy health insurance at a lower cost, permitting people to buy health insurance across state lines and providing individuals greater freedom to choose a healthcare plan that best suits them and their family, instead of forcing them to accept a one-size-fits-all approach that just drives up costs. Visit:
Issues « Jon Runyan for Congress:

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