Press Release: Statement of The Most Reverend John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark,
On a Proposed Course on Same-Sex Marriage At Seton Hall University
As the shepherd of the Archdiocese of Newark, I am responsible for maintaining the Catholic identity of all Church institutions and organizations within the Archdiocese, and for ensuring authentic and orthodox Catholic teaching in all educational institutions and parishes. That responsibility extends to our Catholic elementary and high schools, to our parish religious education programs for both adults and children, and to the Catholic colleges and university operating within my jurisdiction.
Recent news that a course on same-sex marriage is proposed for the fall schedule at Seton Hall University troubles me greatly.
The Church teaches - and has continued to teach for two millennia - that marriage is a union of man and woman, reflecting the complementarity of the sexes. That teaching precedes any societal connotation of marriage, and is based on natural law.
This proposed course seeks to promote as legitimate a train of thought that is contrary to what the Church teaches. As a result, the course is not in synch with Catholic teaching.
Consequently, the Board of Trustees of Seton Hall have asked the Board of Regents to investigate the matter...Press release continues at:
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark: April 30, 2010
Please look at my blog.