Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pennsylvania Senate Race by Sue Cirba

A variety of sources, Fox News, Drudge Report, CNN all report Joe Sestak wins the Democrat nomination for U. S. Senate of PA. The reasons are somewhat complicated.
First it might simply be seen as a repudiation of Arlen Specter, who may have been seen as an inauthentic Democrat. Sestak ran commercials that tied Specter to Bush, and Palin. The ad has Specter saying "My change in Party will help me to get re-elected". A reporter from northeast PA found the original complete quote and discovered Specter was taken out of context. It was too late, the damage had been done. Pennsylvania voters believed the Sestak ad and voted to oust Specter. Republican candidate for Senate Pat Toomey who easily beat his challenger Peg Luksik should prepare for a dirty campaign from Sestak if this ad is any indication.

Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum in his commentary on Fox News noted President Obama could have made a difference in this race if he campaigned for Specter especially in Philadelphia. Voter turnout in Philadelphia was a mere 20%. If Obama campaigned in Philly with Specter it could have boosted voter turnout considerably. Was Obama merely trying to save himself embarrassment by distancing himself from another losing libersl? Perhaps Obama's support of Specter was not genuine in the first place. In any event, Pennsylvania voters have handed 'Snarlin Arlen" his pink slip.

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