Monday, April 12, 2010


No longer are we sitting in front of our TV sets yelling! We have joined Americans from across the country through a grassroots movement called the "Tea Party" which is like no other!
We the People are fed up with this out of control spending and our time is Now! Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, etc. have made their voices heard and proclaimed that we are not going to take it anymore! The Primaries are our first line of defense ... Get Involved!
Since this movement began, we have changed the dynamics of elections in New Jersey, Virginia and Boston to help us stop this out of control congress. We also educated the public to halt a cap and trade bill that would have destroyed our economy. Although we have accomplished many changes, there is still much to be done! The fight against the health care bill that was shoved down our throats is far from over!
We hope we can count on those of you that have volunteered so much of your time to continue to make this grassroots effort a success by recruiting more members to help us stop this out of control government!
For the first time we will allow candidates to have a platform and speak at our tea party. We encourage all candidates to attend whether they are Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian etc. Please come out and meet them and get the answers you need to make your vote count! It’s time to decide who deserves your support!
THINGS TO BRING: Please bring flags, cameras, camcorders, and creative homemade signs.
Daily Parking Garage Rates - 1 Hour $2.50, 2 Hours $3.50, 3 Hours $4.75, 4 Hours $5.50
1) Linden Street Garage is located on the corner of Linden Street and North Washington Avenue.
2) Medallion Parking Garage is located at 142 Adams Avenue - next to the Hilton Hotel on Adams Avenue
3) Casey Garage is located on the corner of Lackawanna & Adams Avenues. The elevator is next to Scranton Hobby.
4) The Mall at Steamtown Parking Garage – Free Parking from 10:00AM til 9:00PM. The garage entrance is located on South Washington Avenue. From Lackawanna Avenue, turn left onto Washington Ave. Go down the hill a half block to the next light, which is the entrance to the Steamtown Mall. Enter in the right hand lane and drive up the ramp to the second level, which is the street level. Park and exit at the street level pedestrian gate. Walk down Washington Ave. to the Courthouse Square.
THURSDAY - APRIL 15, 2010 - 5:00PM-7:00PM

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