Saturday, March 13, 2010

Pro-Life Conference April 10 with Rev. Thomas Euteneuer, Dr.Alice von Hildebrand, and Mr. Raymond de Souza

The “Cast the Gauntlet” Conference is intended to bring together like-minded Catholics who want to express their fidelity to the Gospel of Life.Three world renowned speakers will address the conference:
Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer ( is the president of Human Life International, the world's largest pro-life organization with affiliate offices and associates in eighty countries. A former US Marine, he has a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana as well as a Licentiate degree in Biblical Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. He was awarded the John Cardinal O'Connor Award for Life from Legatus in 2005.
Dr. Alice von Hildebrand ( is a renowned Belgian Catholic philosopher and theologian. She taught Philosophy at Hunter College in New York City where for 37 years. A number of her students converted to Catholicism under her influence, despite the anti-Christian spirit at Hunter. She retired in 1984.
She is the widow of the famous philosopher and theologian Dietrich von Hildebrand. Dr. von Hildebrand is a lecturer and author. Her works include: The Privilege of Being a Woman (2002), The Soul of a Lion: The Life of Dietrich von Hildebrand (2000 and A Man and a Woman: A Divine Invention.
Mr. Raymond de Souza ( is Founder and Director of the Saint Gabriel Communications international apostolate of Apologetics and Evangelization in Australia, the United States and South Africa; Program Director for Portuguese-speaking countries for Human Life International; and EWTN program host; Director of the Sacred Heart Legion. In this apostolate he is greatly assisted by his wife Theresa. Their marriage has been blessed with eight children. Also participating are the de Souza Family Singers.
“Cast the Gauntlet” Conference will be held on Saturday, April 10th at St. Mary’s Center, 310 Mifflin Ave. Scranton, PA 18503. It is scheduled to start at 9:00 am with Mass and end at 4:30 pm For catering purposes, reservations must be made in advance. Walk-ins not allowed. For reservations visit or call (570) 788 5400. You may also send your details (Name, address, City, ZIP, phone number and email) to Theresa de Souza, Conference Secretary, 169 Klinger Drive Sugarloaf PA 19249. Deadline: March 30th 2010.
Send you check or money order payable to Knights of Columbus Council 14829.
FULL PRICE: $ 25 RSVP up till March 30th. Seminarian/student: $ 13 (PA residents please add $ 6% tax). Visit: Knights of Columbus

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