Tuesday, February 02, 2010

From the Pro-aborts: What Tim Tebow's Super Bowl ad can teach the pro-choice movement - washingtonpost.com

From the Washington Post an interesting article and video. Two pro-abortion leaders comment on what they can learn from Tim Tebow's Focus on the Family Superbowl ad. Also included are video clips from Champions for Life, a pro-life video featuring members of the 1987 Superbooooowl championship team. The pro-abortion authors promise a Superbowl ad on "Choice" next year.
The article begins:
"More than two decades before Florida Gators quarterback Tim Tebow filmed a Super Bowl ad about his mother's decision to continue a risky pregnancy, other football greats went in front of the cameras for a cause they believed in." In addition,there are video clips from the 1989 video 'Champions For Life on the same page. It was created for American Life League, with members of the 1987 Super Bowl champion New York Giants visit:
What Tim Tebow's Super Bowl ad can teach the pro-choice movement - washingtonpost.com
Sue Cirba: The problem with next year's promised the "choice" ad is not all choices are morally equivalent. Giving birth and raising a chilld or giving it up for adoption are loving choices, positive for both the mother and her child. Abortion on the other hand is violence that destroys a child. There's just no comparison.

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