Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scranton's New Bishop: Bambera grateful, humble, asks for support in prayers | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Pro-life Catholics around the country have long been encouraged by several of Scranton's Bishops whose steadfast committment to the sanctity of life have been an encouragement to them. Chief among these was John Cardinal O'Connor, who was Bishop of the Diocese of Scranton, if only for a short time. Cardinal O'Connor had the foresight to form Sisters of Life and authorized Father Frank Pavone to form Priests for Life. Today, the Pope has named Msgr.Joseph Bambera, a priest of the Diocese of Scranton, Scranton's next Bishop. Pro-Life Catholics will not be dissappointed in Scranton's new Bishop. More tomorrow.
From the Times Leader:
Bambera grateful, humble, asks for support in prayers | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA: "Diocese of Scranton Bishop elect Joseph Bambera said the diocese has 'an opportunity to move forward. .. with challenges, absolutely,' Asked if prior controversial decisions by Bishop Joseph Martino would be revisited, Bambera said that is unlikely, due to the extensive work and thought that went into the decisions."

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